In recent years, real estate prices in Germany have risen sharply, especially in metropolitan areas and popular residential areas. This has led to discussions about whether we are on the verge of a real estate bubble bursting or whether development is sustainable. In this article we examine the current situation on the German real estate market and address the question of whether and when a correction can be expected.
Definition and characteristics of a housing bubble
A real estate bubble describes a situation in the real estate market in which real estate prices rise significantly above their fundamental value. This real value is usually measured based on factors such as the location, amenities and profitability of the property.
Driving forces behind a real estate bubble can include speculative buying, loose lending by banks and high demand with limited supply. As a result of these factors, prices continue to rise without the increase in value being covered by the actual properties of the properties.
Once the bubble reaches its peak, there is often a sudden drop in price. Property owners who are looking for high increases in the value of their property Investment properties have speculated, then have to sell their properties at significantly lower prices. This can lead to a chain reaction that can have a negative impact on the entire economy.
Overview of historical real estate bubbles
There have been several bursts of real estate bubbles in the past, which have had serious economic consequences.
In the 1980s, Japan experienced a spectacular real estate bubble. Fueled by low interest rates and an expansionary monetary policy by the Japanese central bank, real estate prices rose to dizzying heights. The bubble suddenly burst at the beginning of the 1990s. Prices collapsed and many property owners suffered massive losses. The consequences for the Japanese economy were serious: a recession ensued that lasted for over a decade.
A real estate bubble also occurred in Spain as a result of the construction boom in the early 2000s. Similar to Japan, loans were granted easily and demand for real estate rose rapidly. When the bubble burst in 2008, there was a massive drop in prices and a rise in unemployment. The Spanish economy took several years to recover from the consequences of the real estate crisis.
The US subprime crisis in 2008 was one of the worst financial crises in post-war history. The crisis was triggered by the granting of high-risk real estate loans to US citizens with poor creditworthiness. When interest rates rose and many borrowers were no longer able to meet their repayments, a wave of foreclosures occurred. The value of real estate fell dramatically and many banks ran into difficulties. The consequences of the crisis were felt worldwide.
These historical examples show the dramatic consequences that real estate bubbles can have. It is therefore important to recognize the signs of such a development early and to take appropriate countermeasures.
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Current situation in Germany
Against the background of past bubble formations, the most recent price increases on the German real estate market have repeatedly heated up the minds of owners, prospective buyers and market observers. The question was often whether the bubble was forming again or whether the fears were exaggerated. Let us therefore first take a look at the developments of the past few years and the current situation.
Since the mid-2010s, real estate prices in Germany have been on a steady upward trajectory. The average purchase price for used single-family homes increased between 2010 and 2022 more than doubled. In some metropolitan areas and popular residential areas, prices have risen even more sharply.
This development varies regionally. In large cities such as Munich, Hamburg and Berlin, prices have risen significantly more than in rural regions. The price dynamics have also been decreasing in recent years.
Several factors have favored price developments in Germany.
- Low interest rates: The European Central Bank (ECB) has kept interest rates for real estate loans at a very low level for many years. This has made financing property purchases significantly cheaper and boosted demand.
- High demand: The demand for real estate in Germany is still high. This is due, among other things, to the growing population, the trend towards urbanization and the desire for home ownership as retirement provision.
- Lack of housing: There is not enough affordable housing in many metropolitan areas. This creates an imbalance between supply and demand and drives up prices.
- Low supply of new buildings: The number of new apartments completed has not increased sufficiently in recent years to cover the high demand. This also contributes to the price development.
It is controversial whether the price development in Germany is actually a real estate bubble. Experts point out that the fundamental factors for the real estate market in Germany remain good. The economy is stable, unemployment is low and the population is growing, which are good conditions to buy real estate.
However, there are also some warning signs. Prices in some regions have risen well above the long-term average and household purchasing power has been reduced by inflation.

Has the real estate bubble in Germany already burst?
The question of whether the real estate bubble in Germany has already burst cannot be answered conclusively at this point in time. Developments in the real estate market are complex and influenced by a variety of factors.
Let's take a look at the current market indicators.
- Purchase prices: Purchase prices for real estate in Germany have fallen slightly in recent months. In May 2024, the average purchase price for used single-family homes was 0.5% below the previous month's level.
- Building interest rates: Building interest rates have risen significantly since the beginning of 2024. As of June 2024, the average interest rate for a 10-year home loan is approximately 3.5%.
- Supply and demand: Demand for real estate remains high, but supply has increased somewhat in recent months. This is due, among other things, to the fact that more builders have put their projects on hold due to the increased building interest rates.
Experts assume that the price development on the German real estate market will increase in the next few months will remain cautious. However, a sharp drop in prices is not expected. Compared to historical real estate bubbles such as those in Japan or Spain, price developments in Germany are significantly more moderate. Prices have risen sharply, but they have not multiplied. In addition, the German economy is in a stable condition, in contrast to the crisis countries at the time.
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Possible scenarios for further development
The future development of the German real estate market is uncertain and depends on a variety of factors. The most important are the ECB's interest rate policy, the development of the construction industry and demographic developments. Experts outline various scenarios that are possible in the next months and years.
Scenario 1 – Gentle increase in prices
Real estate prices will continue to rise moderately over the next few years. This is due to the continued high demand for housing, the limited supply and the favorable financing conditions. The most important factors here are continued immigration, rising incomes, low unemployment and the ECB's loose interest rate policy.
Scenario 2 – Stagnation of prices
Real estate prices will stagnate at a high level in the next few years. This means that they neither rise nor fall significantly. The prerequisites for this are rising building interest rates, restrained demand due to a loss of purchasing power due to inflation and a higher supply of new buildings.
Scenario 3 – Correction of the market with price drops
Real estate prices will fall moderately or significantly in the next few years. This could be triggered by a sudden increase in building interest rates, a recession or a significant increase in the supply of new homes.
Conclusion – the German real estate market is changing
The German real estate market is currently in a phase of upheaval. After years of steady price increases, the first signs of a slowdown are emerging. Purchase prices are stagnating or falling slightly, demand has only increased slightly and building interest rates have risen significantly. Experts assume that price developments will remain subdued in the next few months. However, a sharp drop in prices is not expected. The German economy is stable, demand for living space remains high and supply is limited.
In the long term, demographic change could lead to a decline in demand for housing and a fall in prices. However, this is still uncertain and will depend on various factors. For property buyers, the current situation means that they can no longer expect prices to rise sharply. However, buying a property is still a good investment as long as financing is secured and the property is in a good location. For real estate sellers, the current situation means that they should offer their property at a realistic price. You should be prepared for a slightly longer sales period.
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